- Description: Dreaming of micrologistics
- Description: Island transport made a little smarter
- Description: Bringing together connected product professionals and enthusiasts
- Description: A connected car better serving your needs
- Description: Making the hidden infrastructure more delectable
- Description: Prototyping infrastructure & support
- Description: People and connected objects can see where you are
- Description: Making stuff helps you understand it better
- Description: Design for connected devices. And more.
- Description: Designed future to frame the new collection
- Description: Hacking habits instead of APIs at the Health Hack Day
- Description: Interaction Design at the digital service design agency
- Description: Exploring myth and fact around technology relations
- Description: A series of playful eating events and research into food combinations
- Description: An interview series on the topic of design thinking
- Description: Interactive tutor for participatory theatre
- Description: Stage design for entrepreneurship events
- Description: Special effects for participatory performance
- Description: Situated future forecasting in Indian medicine
- Description: Creating experiences for the Nobel NightCap
- Description: Urban intervention to question our shared time and space
- Description: A dress that changes with the volatility of the markets
- Description: Viral drink design to spark interest in local history
- Description: Exploration in movement-based interfaces
- Description: Live performance in the Copenhagen city square