Mixology 2 and 3 are featured in Gestalten’s book “Delicate”, and has been performed in many iterations since, all over the world.
Mixology 4 was performed during HönnunarMars (DesignMarch) in Reykjavik, in collaboration with Dill Restaurant. See more photos here and video here.
It started out as a fun way to socialise with friends, but has been scaled up and performed with over 150 guests. That time in collaboration with Fredrik Eriksson of Långbro Värdshus.
Wait, what?
The long story made fairly short is that Prang had her laptop held hostage by the repair shop of a well-known computer/fruit company refusing to repair or return the computer. A fundraising campaign started alongside diplomatic attempts to get the computer released. This time, diplomacy won, to the joy of us all as we proceeded to throw a party using the funds raised. This was the first installment of Mixology and the start of a eating design project spanning several years and spawning new concepts along the way.
When guests arrive, they are given labcoats to put them in an experimenting mood, and notepads to document their culinary trials. During the course of the evening they are asked to follow three simple rules;
1. Compound of Three
2. Only Once
3. Do Tell
Meaning that participants should look to make combinations of three ingredients each, only have each combination once, and that they should feel free to share their experiences and perhaps trade combinations with others.
The combinations are recorded, along with any comments.
I co-designed the event with Josefin Vargö and Prang L of Another New Design Studio and I also managed the documentation of each event. More video can be seen here, and more photos here.